Best Free YouTube Alternatives (2020) - Video Sites Like YouTube

So you are on your journey to be the up-and-coming video creator and you are all set to jump onto the video market bandwagon. Youtube, undoubtedly is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about video marketing. And that’s okay. Because it is inarguably the king of the video marketing platforms. Millions and billions of videos are being uploaded on youtube every day.
Due to the ever-increasing amount of content being uploaded on a daily basis, youtube is continuously working to expand its user base and it doesn't seem to end anywhere anytime soon. But youtube keeps on revising its guidelines without any prior notification which is upsetting for a lot of users. So there is quite a strong number of unhappy users who are constantly looking for Best Youtube Alternatives in 2020.  Read on this article to have an insight if you are one of them

  • Smartlightpeople

This online TV community website is one of the best youtube alternatives available currently. Smartlightpeople was launched in the UK and it provides a platform to millions of users for watching videos. Smartlightpeople allow you to upload, view, share, rate, add to playlist, comment on and subscribe to channels just like youtube so its very much similar to youtube hence it can prove a good alternative to youtube.
Why Smartlightpeople: 

  • Known for neat and high-quality videos

  • Advanced privacy controls
  • Easy to share, comment on and watch.

  • DailyMotion

Dailymotion is one big-name in the video marketing world among other big video sharing websites such as youtube and Vimeo. It also works in a way similar to youtube so it can be your go-to site for video uploading and sharing as well.

Why Dailymotion:

  • Fewer confinements with regards to video-uploading up to2 GB in size and 60 mins in length 
  • Unlimited Storage and transmission capacity

  • Vimeo

Vimeo is extraordinary video hosting site for artists and tasteful producers. This platform encourages experts in fields like music, movie, cinematography, photography, and so forth to flaunt their work. and the icing on the cake, Guess what?  Vimeo isan advertisement-free video-sharing platform. It is bolstered by the clients' donations and a paywall for certain videos.
Why Vimeo:
  • Known for high-quality videos 
  • Live Streaming 
  • Innovative Video Analytics 
  • Priority Support 
  • No in-video Ads

  • Metacafe

One of the most conventional video marketing platforms, Metacafe was established in 2003 even before YouTube went live.
Why Metacafé: 

  • Community-based substance

  • Attracts around 40 million subscribers
  • 90-second all-inclusive videos
  • Limited viewership in contrast with YouTube

  • IGTV

Introduced by Instagram, IGTV is another good alternative to youtube. This video application offers longer videos and additionally allows you to paste your video links as well. IGTV is an easy-to-use multipurpose in-built Instagram application
Why IGTV: 
  • Share picture mode videos. 
  • No constraints on video length. 
  • Synchronize IGTV Videos with Facebook 
  • Best for advertisers and brands. 
  • Share youtube interfaces through IGTV.

  • Facebook videos

Facebook is a well-known online networking webpage and it's the best platform to promote your videos. You can upload videos like cooking, photography learning, cosmetics instructional exercises, entertaining videos, inspirational videos or tech surveys. Open to a wide range of experts, bloggers, and vloggers
Why Facebook Videos:
    • Huge user base on Facebook. 
    • Easy to upload, download, view, like and share
    • The cost of getting your video to contact the crowd on Facebook is less expensive than YouTube. 

  • The Facebook swarm is constantly prepared to expand videos.

  • 9GAG

9GAG is a Hong Kong-based online social media website, which enables its clients to transfer and share "user produced content" or other substance from external online websites. If you are searching for a video sharing site that would give you unadulterated diversion, at that point 9GagTV is your go-to  video marketing site
Why 9GagTV? 

  • Endless supply of engaging videos

As a video maker, If you are finding different stages to share/transfer your videos, accept the open door to get a monstrous audience. The majority of you have tasted the achievement of YouTube, Now investigate the other developing video-sharing platforms as well. By doing these, you are getting two fundamental advantages: expanding your perspectives and giving more information to Google. In addition, if you are searching for the best YouTube alternative than truly, These alternatives are the best ones and they help you to keep up your video quality, best case scenario.


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